Many contractors are attracted to the idea of dry ice blasting because they cringe at the thought of a messy sandblasting job. However, not all abrasive cleaning jobs kick up as much dust and airborne debris as sandblasting. In fact, Coldsweep’s dust-free abrasive cleaning service creates 95% less dust than traditional sandblasting.
Why So Much Less Dust?
Dust-free abrasive cleaning is similar to sandblasting in that it uses blast medias like coal slag, copper slag or crushed glass. However, it also uses water to keep the dust at bay. Imagine every grain of blast media encapsulated in its own, individual rain drop. On
magine every grain of blast media encapsulated in its own, individual rain drop. On impact the water cushions the impact of the blast media and flushes away contaminants. Dust-free abrasive cleaning is like sanding and washing, all in one step.
Coldsweep’s dust-free abrasive cleaning service can be tailored to achieve a gentle or aggressive clean. Because this process is spark-free, it can be used in places that traditional sandblasting is not allowed. Coldsweep has used dust-free abrasive cleaning for a variety of projects: Paint removal from historic brick surfaces, graffiti removal, smoke damaged surfaces, and more!
A More Efficient Clean
Because of the amounts of water involved, dust-free abrasive cleaning requires only about half as much blasting media, which means a more efficient use of resources, and less clean up. After a dust-free blasting job, our Coldsweep team uses high pressure washers to remove any remaining mess.
Get the clean you want, without that obnoxious, dusty residue left behind! Coldsweep is excited to give your project the quality clean it deserves.